The Breitling Watch Source Forums

Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?
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Author:  mfserge [ Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

What's happened round here???? A few years ago there would already be a few threads about the iwatch with hundreds of's been a few days and not one person talking about it? Anyone care to share their thoughts on the watch? I'll buy one for the hell of it for sure but it won't replace a mechanical watch for me. What about you guys?

Author:  Kodiak [ Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

Looks interesting. My wife will probably pick one up (likes the fitness apps.) Still a lot of unknowns but probably the nicest looking smart watch designs I've seen thus far. Meanwhile, the iphone6 will be purchased :) .

Author:  MattC [ Fri Sep 12, 2014 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

TBH, I haven't had any feelings on it either way. I will probably end up getting one just to mess around with. My brother has the Samsung version and I would like to see a side by side comparison, he's told me that his Samsung is a bit glitchy but overall he likes it. I don't like the fact that you have to charge the iWatch every night basically.

Author:  jnelson3097 [ Fri Sep 12, 2014 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

I was thinking of picking up an Iwatch just to wear as a weekend watch or when I work out. It's nothing that I need, but I do think the fitness apps could be cool to have.

Author:  Driver8 [ Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

mfserge wrote:
What's happened round here???? A few years ago there would already be a few threads about the iwatch with hundreds of's been a few days and not one person talking about it? Anyone care to share their thoughts on the watch? I'll buy one for the hell of it for sure but it won't replace a mechanical watch for me. What about you guys?

Funny you should say that Sergio, but I was thinking the exact same thing. :? I've been incredibly busy lately (hence why I don't post as much as I used to) and I've only literally just watched a 10 min video presentation of it online and was just about to start a thread here.

I have to say, after watching the presentation I am actually very impressed with it. Sure, it looks a bit like a 70's Casio, and it's obviously the pretty much the antithesis of the kind of watches we all go for here, but there are some very nice features that actually put most of the "traditional" watch-makers to shame. Not least the fact they've made it in two sizes from the outset, plus they're also doing it in three different case materials - SS, a titanium-like alloy, and a solid gold that they claim is twice as hard as regular gold. The strap change system looks fantastic too, allowing either an integrated strap or Radiomir-esque wire loop kind of affair.... and all using the same case. The crystal is sapphire, and apparently they are using zirconium oxide (ceramic) on the back.

I'll admit to being a bit of an Apple fan, but the idea of a "smartwatch" totally left me cold. But after finding out more about it, I'll definitely be picking one up. It certainly won't be replacing my mechanicals, but it'll sit nicely alongside them and my G-Shocks.

Author:  Roffensian [ Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

I'm not having as much time to spend here these days either, but am a bit surprised that the announcement went through without any comment - we've said it before but this place is evolving I guess.

In terms of the watch, I'm a Samsung user so this won't be on my list to acquire, but for me it's a solution to a problem that I just don't have. It has no appeal to me as a watch because it's not what I consider a watch to be - obviously not comparable to a mechanical, but I don't see it as a replacement for a Frogman either. The phone related stuff is cool, but just not a set of features that I would use or not a significant advancement in functionality (for me) over what is already built into my phone.

Author:  zak57 [ Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

I'm sure there are people who will gain much benefit from the technology and I have no doubt it will sell well. The Casio G Shocks are plenty functional enough for me so I won't be tempted. My partner who is an Apple addict also won't be tempted as she doesn't wear the watches she already has. Like Roff said, a solution to a problem that I don't have.

Author:  Moana43 [ Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

I find the Apple watch to be impressive on a number of levels. I think it looks great, and the system for adding a variety of straps is fantastic. From a functional standpoint, there are a lot of interesting possibilities.

That being said, I'm surprised that the watch is essentially designed to be a companion to the iPhone. I haven't studied it enough to know whether there is stand-alone capability (perhaps there is) -- but, if I need to be lugging my iPhone along in order to have the watch function, why not just use the iPhone? That aspect seems odd to me.

Author:  Driver8 [ Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

@Zak and Roff - funnily enough that was exactly what I said when the iPad came out - "it's a solution to a problem I don't have". For me the iPad has ended up becoming a very nice thing to have : not an essential by any stretch, but a nice thing nonetheless. That's kind of how I see the Apple Watch will be - just a nice thing to have in addition to a traditional watch (or watches!). Obviously you do have to be bought into the whole "Apple thing" (which I am, sadly), but I bet it's going to be a massive success.

Author:  Scott [ Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

Same here on many counts. I saw the announcement, read a bit of debate about it on a blog to watch, came back here and was stunned that there was nothing. The Apple Samsung wars here used to be legendary. I'm not an apple guy, but even if I was, I would be of a mind to wait a year or two before considering one of these. I have questions about battery life and the whole concept of buying a second piece which, if consistent with the phones, is based on planned obsolescence. I also saw pictures of a motorola google peace which looks much more like a traditional watch, but I have the same issues. The health monitoring things look interesting but from a personal standpoint, my interests would lie with easy time zone changes and navigation when I'm on the road.

Author:  Driver8 [ Sat Sep 13, 2014 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

Scott wrote:
I have questions about.... the whole concept of buying a second piece which, if consistent with the phones, is based on planned obsolescence.

This is the only that gives me pause for thought. It especially makes me wonder how may solid gold models they will sell! If a model becomes obsolete in a couple of years (like phones), then who's going to want to fork out on a gold cased version? :huh

Author:  P51 [ Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

So many questions on so many levels. I doubt it will be on my list, especially at the suggested price. Looks good though however it is ironic that it's being introduced at about the same time as a larger screen iPhone. As a recent WatchTime article said, anyone remember the iPod!

It will probably sell well to the iPhone generation but it is disposable technology. I hardly use my phone as it is, so I can't see the need for something that has to work with a phone (There will probably be a million apps for it to stand alone) and needs charging everyday. Just another slavish thing to remember to do in my busy day. iGlasses, now there's a possibility, not not a watch!

Author:  dinobaggio [ Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

I find the design really boring and thought apple would make something really cutting edge like they did with the ipod and iPhone.
I don't see the point in wearing something that just informs you of a message on your phone that you have to take your phone out anyway to deal with.
The only part that is interesting is the fitness/sport/movement software.
The watch snob has a typically acerbic and quite funny piece on it! ... tches.html

Author:  boogiebot [ Sun Sep 14, 2014 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

Apple released an iwatch?? Hahahah jk. Don't know what to make of it as I dont really need another watch right now. I will admit although I heard about the release it didn't strike a chord In me to even look up pics of it on the apple site. That said I would be very interested in getting the larger iPhone 6 as due for an upgrade.

I am sure there will be tons of love for this watch as most apple fans will view it as a must have.

I agree with Roff, if it's digital then I am going gshock

Author:  Dracha [ Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apple Watch.....what is the opinions on Bsource?

I have been in consumer electronics half of my life and corp. computing for the other half but have never been a really early adapter , all of my watches are vintage for a reason ;-)

I remember the Samsung Yepp , a very early mp3 player and when I first saw it I thought 'Who needs an MP3 player when my car 10 cd changer holds more music than that Yepp ?' , now I have (had) several mp3 players and frequently carry around my Ipod 160 Gb classic , which holds all my music and more.

I remember the Iphone (or any touch screen phone) being released and thinking 'wayyy too small to be useful , who needs all that when all you need to do is call someone'

I remember the Ipad and other tablets being released thinking "I have a macbook on which I can do real work' , now I use my Ipad mini more than my macbook and I carry it around to most places instead of my macbook

I am sure these 'smart watches' will do *very* well and will occupy 90% to 95% of all wrists in the (near) future after they matured , they may have less of an impact on the swiss watchmakers than people might anticipate as a 'nice' watch is still a sign that you have made it in life . I also see a trend where people more and more step back from being connected all the time . Personally I turn my phone off most of the time on friday afternoon, back on on monday morning. Going out to dinner or drinks with family its turned off as well and I really dislike people staring at their phone (or wrist) when in conversation with them and most of the time say something about it and can only imagine what its like when people stare at their wrists constantly

Will it do well now and going forward ? , absolutely
will I get one ? , eventually maybe
will people grow to dislike them ? , I hope so

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