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That's nice
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Author:  razumny [ Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  That's nice

So, these three southern belles, Ida, Dephaina and Annabelle are sitting out on the porch, sipping iced tea and conversing like ladies should. They had all gotten married about the same time, and had now been married for a year and a half, and so the subject turned to what their husbands had done for their first anniversaries.

"Well," says Ida, "my Branford too me to Europe. We visited London, Paris, Rome and Prague, and stayed in the biggest rooms at the best hotels, and ate at the finest restaurants. We had the time of our lives, and I wish we were still there."

"Wow! That's amazing!" said the Dephaina. Annabelle smiled sweetly, and says "That's nice."

"My Wardell took me to Asia," said Dephaina. "We saw Beijing, Macau, Tokyo and Seoul. We stayed in the biggest rooms at the best hotels, and ate at the finest restaurants. We had the time of our lives, and I wish we were still there."

"Wow! That sounds great!" said the Ida. Annabelle smiled sweetly, and says "That's nice."

The conversation stops, and the girls prod Annabelle to tell her story.

"Well, you see, my Sherwood sent me to a swanky preparatory school. They taught me languages, crafts and etiquette. Above all, they taught me to say 'that's nice' when all I really want to say is 'Shove it up your arse!'"

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