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Author:  Damnfoolman [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:42 am ]
Post subject:  CAT-astrophe!

Hi Chums,

Well most of you know that I'm a cat lover, and have a beautiful Bengal at home.

Well a few weeks ago she was seriously injured in a fight with, we think, a Fox. I had to jump into my next door neighbours garden to fetch her, she was covered in blood and unable to stand. Off to the Emergency Vet we go.

Well, after 3 days she was still unable to use her normal bodily functions and things started to look really bad for her. The Vet suggested that maybe she would relax at home and maybe take a turn for the better.

Happily things improved.

I vowed that if she lived then I would not allow her to roam free as she had been. But I had to come up with a suitable alternative to ensure her quality of life remained.

So, me, a person who really really dislikes doing DIY decided to build her an enclosure in our garden, and make a tunnel from the cat flap around the rear of the house, so she could go in and out as she wanted.

Well that was 3 weekends ago, and after 6 days hard work and a little blood and a lot of sweat, it's finished..

My beloved cat is getting better and is able to walk again too, so thing's are very much brighter for me, and her.

Thought I'd let you see my efforts, I'm quite pleased with the outcome.

1st of all I have a video of her, a week after the injury was sustained. Poor little thing. It was heartbreaking to see her like this, thus the vow to prevent it from happening again.

Starting Point

The Tunnel

Halfway Point

Taking a break

More or less finished

It's a big change for all of us and I think for the better. Just pleased she survived.


Author:  nickzac [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CAT-astrophe!

I like it and I am glad to hear your cat is okay! I understand how stressful a sick pet can be :(
It's also a plus to use the enclosure as cats that roam kill quite a few animals simply for the sake of killing. :(

Author:  Damnfoolman [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CAT-astrophe!

nickzac wrote:
I like it and I am glad to hear your cat is okay! I understand how stressful a sick pet can be :(
It's also a plus to use the enclosure as cats that roam kill quite a few animals simply for the sake of killing. :(

Thank you for the kind reply and very true comment.

Another addition to my garden has been a bird feeding tree. We had only one bird lost to my cat, but I did feel bad about it. And as you say she was hunting just instinctively, not because she was hungry.

So hopefully I can enjoy both without causing risk to either. Reading on a cat forum, most cats enjoy the excitement of seeing birds and the movement. Rarely will they actually catch, but the bird population is down, and now my enclosure is done, there is a much larger opportunity to encourage wild birds into the garden.


Author:  Driver8 [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CAT-astrophe!

Nice bit of handiwork there Davey! I'm a cat lover too, and it's difficult to know what's best for them at times. On the one hand I think they should have complete freedom to come and go as they feel, but then on the other hand ensuring their safety is a serious consideration as well. Difficult one, but I can completely understand your decision given the seriously close shave she had this time. Hopefully she'll be happy with the arrangement as well. :thumbsup:

Beautiful cat by the way.

Author:  nr123 [ Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CAT-astrophe!

For a person whose not a DIY type that looks very professional, nice job.

Also, I think you are the only one on youtube that has posted a video of their mirrors on the car opening and closing LOL

Author:  H2F [ Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CAT-astrophe!

Great job! Being a dog person, I needed to see the after video to get why a cat enclosure has to be full height. Dogs don't get vertical :lol:

My chihuahua is about the same size as your cat, and that's exactly why we do not let him socialize with any big dogs. The risks are just not worth it. Speedy recovery to your cat! She's a fighter!

Author:  Damnfoolman [ Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CAT-astrophe!

nr123 wrote:
For a person whose not a DIY type that looks very professional, nice job.

Also, I think you are the only one on youtube that has posted a video of their mirrors on the car opening and closing LOL

Thanks for the reply, I'm quite surprised how it came is my wife..

I know it SEEMS odd to do the wing mirror thing, but there is a nasty noise happening and I posted it to a forum for opinions!!!!

Seems there is a problem Houston, and it needs replacing :D


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