The Breitling Watch Source Forums

Spam / inappropriate posts
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Author:  Roffensian [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Spam / inappropriate posts

Quick request guys.........

We get a fair few spam members here and for many of you they are gone before anyone sees them as Driver8 and I try and stay on top of them. However, if you do notice one can you please "report" it rather than sending Driver8 or I PMs. I've been receiving a lot of PMs recently and often they don't contain links to the thread so I then have to go and chase it down.

If you report it then it shows up on the main screen for each forum as well as in a separate moderator section - much easier to find and I don't end up cleaning out my inbox even more often than I already have to.

To report a post just click on the red exclamation mark at the bottom right of the post that you believe to be offensive and just fill out the basic information - quicker for you too!



Author:  F14D_Tomcat [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spam / inappropriate posts

Will do Roff...for next time...

Author:  Roffensian [ Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spam / inappropriate posts

Just bumping this back up as a reminder guys.

There has been a huge increase in spam in the last few days - 25 separate accounts since Monday and my inbox is getting flooded with PMs from people telling me about them. Please use the report function to report - exclamation mark in the bottom right corner of every post. The reports are the first thing that I check when I get here and can quickly remove and it's a lot easier than PMs from 6 people telling me about the same thread.

Please also note that there is a trend for spammers to post something innocuous and then come back a few days later to edit their signature adding spam links so if you see an older post with a spam link in the signature please also report that.

Author:  jlee5050 [ Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spam / inappropriate posts

Ahh.. didn't notice that. Gotcha Roff.

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