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So what do you do in your spare time??? (other than watches)
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Author:  Roffensian [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So what do you do in your spare time??? (other than watc

sharkman wrote:
Roffensian wrote:
sharkman wrote:
SEE, this is exactly why I still use an analogue amp (Denon), CDs, and old school floor speakers (presently Polks, a poor substitute for the truck sized Klipschorns I had.........). Because what I read was seemingly in hieroglyphics.

Well, while I recognise that your tongue was firmly in cheek, this is actually one of the advantages of vinyl technology - everything is analogue and stays analogue so there are fewer steps in the process of getting the sound out of the storage medium and into your ears. Everytime you do a digital to analogue or analogue to digital conversion you have the potential to damage the quality, and in an mp3 driven world the quality is pretty low down in the scheme of things for a lot of digital anyway.

Thank you for dumbing it down :strummin: I used to think I was an electrical wizard because I could put the white and red ends of some patch cords in the correct position and strip the ends of some monster cable. :oops:

No problem, happy to keep the old guy in the loop Image

Author:  jlee5050 [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So what do you do in your spare time??? (other than watc

This watch hobby is all I need. Already keeps me occupied and too broke for other hobbies.

Author:  nr123 [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So what do you do in your spare time??? (other than watc

Roffensian wrote:
The biggest issue with the iPod is that the output quality is garbage - lossy file formats and no support for high quality formats. iPod and most consumer digital audio players (DAPs) are focused on storage capacity, battery life and size. To get quality music you first have to start with something that captures all of the music rather than using a compression process that drops part of the sound (which is what mp3 does). That drives you to a lossless format like flac. Then you need the ability to support higher quality sampling rates - the frequency with which the music is sampled when being recorded. Typical mp3 is 44.1KHz, high quality audio can be as high as 192KHz. Finally you need to look at the bit depth - the number of measurements for each sample when the music is recorded. Typical is 16 bit, high quality is 24 bit.

Then you need to get all of that sound out and that's what my setup does - supports high quality recordings and gets it out 'clean' - fast processing of the sound without constand digital to analogue conversions. Then it delivers it to 8 different speakers in each ear. The DX100 (the DAP) has 64 gigs of onboard storage plus micro SD card support.

That sounds amazing - I would love to try this...where though do you get the music, can you just take it off a CD or do you have to buy it special?

Author:  Roffensian [ Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So what do you do in your spare time??? (other than watc

nr123 wrote:
Roffensian wrote:
The biggest issue with the iPod is that the output quality is garbage - lossy file formats and no support for high quality formats. iPod and most consumer digital audio players (DAPs) are focused on storage capacity, battery life and size. To get quality music you first have to start with something that captures all of the music rather than using a compression process that drops part of the sound (which is what mp3 does). That drives you to a lossless format like flac. Then you need the ability to support higher quality sampling rates - the frequency with which the music is sampled when being recorded. Typical mp3 is 44.1KHz, high quality audio can be as high as 192KHz. Finally you need to look at the bit depth - the number of measurements for each sample when the music is recorded. Typical is 16 bit, high quality is 24 bit.

Then you need to get all of that sound out and that's what my setup does - supports high quality recordings and gets it out 'clean' - fast processing of the sound without constand digital to analogue conversions. Then it delivers it to 8 different speakers in each ear. The DX100 (the DAP) has 64 gigs of onboard storage plus micro SD card support.

That sounds amazing - I would love to try this...where though do you get the music, can you just take it off a CD or do you have to buy it special?

You can get lossless formats from CD, just rip as flac, alac, wav, etc but you can't get high quality because it's not there to start with - standard CDs are 16 bit at 44.1KHz so you need to have high resolution source material - 24/192 or more commonly 24/96. Some of those are still a little hard to source, but sites like hdtracks are starting to get a decent catalogue.

Author:  bozman52 [ Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So what do you do in your spare time??? (other than watc

Over the past year I haven't had much in the way of free time, as I'm been in an MBA program. However, now that I've finished it, I can get back to doing other things.

My family takes up a lot of my free time, and I have a little baby girl who will be joining the ranks in just over three weeks . . . so I suppose I may not be getting back to my old hobbies after all.

Before I moved to the UK a year ago, I used to ride quads/ATVs/4-wheelers at the sand dunes in Oregon. However, I can't do much of that anymore. I also used to go shooting pretty frequently, but again, that's no longer possible, so no more guns for me.

I've played guitar for many years, but I'm more a rhythm guy than a solo guy. I'd love to get better at it, but I just don't have the motivation. I play good enough for me, if that makes sense. I did pick up rowing when I came to the UK, but I haven't done much of it in the past couple months. I'm also a huge F1 geek, so I watch the races whenever they're on.

Author:  Aadam [ Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So what do you do in your spare time??? (other than watc

It seems a few share a similar passion in music. I have a couple of Technics 1210 MK2 turntables, and to keep me up to date with modern technology I also have a couple of Pioneer CDJ 1000 MK3 CD decks. Couples with the usual amps and speakers and walls of vinyl.

Asside from music I'm a huge football (soccer to my American friends) fan. Also big into snowboarding. Love F1, too.

Other than this, my spare time can be found taking road trips, killing time on the xbox (big MW3 player) and cooking.

Author:  AF_Rob [ Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So what do you do in your spare time??? (other than watc

I'm a huge military history person. Everywhere I have lived, or vacationed, I seek out places of historical importance. From the American south to Gettysburg, England to Iraq. If history happened, I'm there. Being in the military myself has really helped feed my habit! History grabs my imagination. I love it.

Author:  Jordi [ Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So what do you do in your spare time??? (other than watc

Apart from work I don't have to much time for hobbies, although I do like brewing my own beer when I get the chance

Author:  raymond147 [ Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So what do you do in your spare time??? (other than watc

i've played almost 15 years snooker on a daily basis, became dutch champion twice! but since i've became a father(2004) that has gone a bit and now i am training kickboxing twice a week...

and for the rest spending every second with my daughter! :) :cheer:

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