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What's Driver8 been cooking?
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Author:  Driver8 [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  What's Driver8 been cooking?

Well guys, the answer to that question is "Humble Pie" as I'm just about to eat a large slice of it with this post!! :oops: (And yes Ling Man, I fully expect some abuse from you on this post! :wink: )

To cut a long story short, and after a couple of years (and not to mention a few posts on here about NOT owning one), I am now the very proud owner of a...................... SUPER AVENGER!!!!!!!

The reason this came about was a little convoluted. I recently decided to buy a bracelet for my Navi World so that I'd have the choice of that or the croco (which I absolutely love), but I was wondering if the croco would get any wrist time once the bracelet was on. Anyway, this weekend I popped into my AD to order the bracelet, and while I was there the manager (who I know pretty well) suddenly came out with a new grey-dial Skyland for me to look as he said they were new in. At the same time he also had a white dial SA that he brought out for "size comparison purposes".

So obviously I tried them both on......, and then a funny thing happened. I suddenly realised that the last time I tried an SA was probably 3 years ago (when a 41mm Seamaster was considered a decent size watch), and during the period since then, larger watch are now much more the norm, and suddenly the SA really didn't seem that big!! In fact it looked bl*@dy fantastic on my wrist!!!

And also I found myself thinking about my soon-to-be-spare blue croco strap, and how it would look great with the white dial SA......

So a quick negotiation (and a 15% discount) later I was walking out of the shop with just the SA head (which is now incidentally sporting the blue croco, and looks AWESOME!!) and a Navi World bracelet on order. A good day all round! :D

And yes, I know :uselesspics:

Pics will follow soon...

Author:  Grey [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 6:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Congrats Driver8!! It is a gorgeous watch!

You are right, Ling Man is sure to give you a big "I told you so"... ha ha

Congrats again on your purchase!

Author:  aleister [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 6:53 am ]
Post subject: 


But, did I get you right? You now have a white faced SA on a blue croco strap? Well, if Ling Man will mock you for finally getting the SA, I think that'll be nothing compared to his remarks on your "degradation" of the SA...


But, any way you choose to wear it: Congratulations! I'm sure you'll look awesome wearing it!

Author:  acceldebt [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:23 am ]
Post subject: 


I'm glad to hear that you have arrived and are now in possession of the SA. However you STILL don't have the Full Ling until it is on the bracelet. Get the Pro 2 on there and then you will be extremely satisfied. Now for the "I TOLD YOU SO" part. You are one more of many that have ALL gone through the same thing. Less than a year ago I opted for a Bentley GT because I too "thought" that the Full Bentley and the SA were too big. Well, when you are going from a Communion Wafer sized watch they DO look big but after wearing one for a few hours they become just right. This is why I try to tell you guy's to save the time, aggravation and money and just GET THE FULL LING In the first place. Then if you want to go back later and fool around with smaller ones go ahead. There's another guy on here, I forget who but he has a CA and he's ordered an SA. Just watch what happens after he gets the SA, the CA will be spending much time alone .

Author:  Driver8 [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the comments guys! :thumbsup:

Yeah I reckon comments of "DEGRADATION" will be definitely coming my way from Ling Man, but I tried it in the shop with the bracelet and personally I honestly prefer it on the croco. It just tones down the bling a little...... and you have to remember I'm a reserved Englishman so I've gotta keep the bling down a bit! :wink:

(But then again, after this purchase, my hypocrisy apparently knows no bounds, so expect a diamond bezel and a solid gold Bentley in a matter weeks! :wink: Kidding!)

Author:  Driver8 [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:37 am ]
Post subject: 

Oops, my reply over-lapped your response there, Ling-Man. Yeah I guess I will need to take the "I TOLD YOU SO" on the chin! :wink:

I will have the Full-Ling when the World bracelet goes on later this week, but I tried the SA on the bracelet in store and I really do prefer it on the blue croco. I'll post pics soon. Besides my Steelfish is on Pro II anyway, so it's good to have a change.

But as far as the SA goes, I will admit that yes.... YOU WERE RIGHT!!!!!

(OK that's more than enough humble-pie here! I'm choking! :wink: )

Author:  acceldebt [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:51 am ]
Post subject: 


I won't harass you because you are making progress, however you may want to do yourself a favor and just get the bracelet because it WILL come to that. And proper Englishmen wear Lings with bracelets. And don't worry, nobody will think you look like Del Boy.

Author:  Driver8 [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Grey wrote:
Congrats Driver8!! It is a gorgeous watch!
You are right, Ling Man is sure to give you a big "I told you so"... ha ha
Congrats again on your purchase!

Aleister wrote:
But, did I get you right? You now have a white faced SA on a blue croco strap? Well, if Ling Man will mock you for finally getting the SA, I think that'll be nothing compared to his remarks on your "degradation" of the SA...
But, any way you choose to wear it: Congratulations! I'm sure you'll look awesome wearing it!

Yep, you were right guys - I did take a bit of flack from Ling Man, but he's being very decent about it! Now...., what did I do with that Bentley catalogue?! :wink:

Author:  acceldebt [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:30 pm ]
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Now you are talking, get the Bentley, put the SA on a bracelet and then the only thing left to do will be for you to get the ALL GOLD Bentley way off in the future.

Author:  breitlingsource [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:44 pm ]
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Hey at least he will soon have a Bracelet for that Navi-World and that will give full ling status so he can degrade all the lings he wants ;)

Author:  rhequest [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

driver8, congrats on the new watch. i have a question though, why did you pick the SA over the skyland? there are currently no SAs in korea so i can't compare the two. does the SA have the same deep dish pizza style sunken dial as the skyland? and does it have the same tall profile? any thoughts on why you picked the SA over the avenger would be a great help.


Author:  Driver8 [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi Jason - thanks for the congrats! The best way I can describe the SA is like the Skyland, only more so in every way! Yes it has the same sunken dial, etc, and it's even taller (only by a mm or so, but you do notice it). It just felt (and looks) really good on my wrist.... and I really liked the white dial, which you can't currently get on the Skyland. I'll be honest, I love the Skyland too, but the SA just "did it" for me.

I'd recommend trying the SA and the Skyland side by side just to see which you prefer. But they are both beautiful things.

(I can't believe I've become such an overnight advocate of the SA! But it really is a lovely watch).

Author:  defiancekofb [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:52 am ]
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rhequest wrote:
driver8, congrats on the new watch. i have a question though, why did you pick the SA over the skyland? there are currently no SAs in korea so i can't compare the two. does the SA have the same deep dish pizza style sunken dial as the skyland? and does it have the same tall profile? any thoughts on why you picked the SA over the avenger would be a great help.


The differential in size between the SA and the Skyland is substantial, I went to the AD and tried a skyland on, my left wrist, while the SA was on the right and the SA is definitely much larger than the Skyland. With the prices so similar, I think it comes down to preference. The 48mm SA to the slightly tamed 45mm Skyland.

Author:  Flynbyu [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

You da man!

You did it!


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