The Breitling Watch Source Forums

are you SICK of FAKE Breitlings?..I am.
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Author:  nofinelines [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mark wrote:
Actually you might be interested to know what sort of people wear fakes - I will describe a couple of my buddies from my old forum.

One is a Malaysian multi millionaire businessman who has a collection of over 250 genuine Pateks, Rolex Daytona's and very rare early 1940's Rolex Chronos, Panerais, IWC's etc etc - all his collection except 2 or 3 are solid gold and all in mint condition - worth probably 2 or 3 times this forums collective worth!!! He would easily spend £30,000 on a watch on impulse and he also has a lot of fakes which he wears regularly and is quite passionate about - what do you make of that.

Another is a New York investment banker - on a good year he make $10,000,000 - a bad year a $1,000,000. He has several genuine watches and many more fakes - he cares more about the fakes that his genuine ones and it's not about the money for him!!

Another is a German chap who is a designer for one of Germany's most prestigious supercar manufacturers - he designs the cars but loves his fake Panerai 212.

And others are just young guys who don't yet have enough disposable income to ever buy the real thing so a fake is the obvious answer - and so on and so on. The forum I frequented had over 6,000 members all over the world. I'm only scratching the surface here and with respect to the nature of this forum I will say no more.

This comment if for you. i was thinking about picking up this fake from my sister. what is your opinion on this watch? personally i like it but i was told that it wasn't even a replica. its just a bad imitation. here is the link to that thread

Author:  skill [ Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  fakes

why dont you buy it and then pretend in your own little world that its real.
for christs sake, save up and buy a real one. some of us work and pay taxes.

Author:  jizarch [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  thank for fakes

after dreaming for 4 years, i just bought my REAL chrono avenger from Vempe in New York, before it disappearing from store!! i start to know Breitling is just from fake watch vender. i fell in love with breitling is from a fake gift from my father. it was about $30. my father didn't know how much that gift i loved, and he will never understand why i want a real one. my fake baby dead in about 1.5 years, and i start saving money for the real one.

somebody making fake Breitling just because Breitling is great and worth the effert to make replicas. as long as they don't cheat uneducated buyers for the real ones' price, it may actrually helps preparing potential buyers

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